Living the Tradition - Film and Live Performance

Featuring live music by Ilse de Ziah on cello and Ian Date on guitar

Event Info

Film screening of "Living the Tradition" (50 minutes) followed by a live performance by Ilse De Ziah & Ian Date (50 minutes).Behind every Irish tune is an ancient tale of love, loss, history and heroes.

The film, “Living the Tradition” is the journey of cello player and composer Ilse de Ziah. She travels around Ireland in search of undiscovered secrets of ancient Irish Airs.

A fresh account of Irish music and culture. Shot live on location in Ireland. The show also includes a live performance by Ilse De Ziah and Ian Date. They deliver a spellbinding musical offering, with Ilse on cello and Ian Date, guitar.

Beautiful renderings of melodies interwoven with captivating improvisations. They will perform music from their exciting debut album ‘Here & There’. Musical works of great beauty. Presented with a deep love of music and its traditions. Seeing and hearing them live is a moving and transformative experience.

Ilse de Ziah is a cellist and composer famous for her cross genre style. She has worked in contemporary, classical, rock & roll, traditional Irish, jazz and experimental music. She is a cellist known for her daring and emotionally charged performances which connect at deep levels with people from all walks of life.

Ian Date is well known to Australian audiences, having performed with a who’s who of Australian musicians. He is regarded as one of Australia’s great guitarists.

Hank Marvin from The Shadows says of Ian: “Ian’s versatility is exceptional, a fine soloist with an outstanding knowledge of harmony and chord substitutions and an impressive ability to apply this in his improvisations. If he’s performing in your area seize the opportunity to see and hear one of Australia’s finest guitarists.”

Event Details

6:30 pm - Venue Doors and bar open

7:10 pm - Theatre Doors

7:30 pm - Film Screening

8:30 pm - Interval 20mins

8:50 pm - Performance (duration 50 mins)

9:45 pm - Event ends

Box Office

69 Jonson St, Byron Bay
Monday, Wednesday and Friday
10:30am – 1:30pm

(02) 6685 6807

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Event Info

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Box Office

69 Jonson St, Byron Bay
Monday, Wednesday and Friday
10:30am – 1:30pm

(02) 6685 6807

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