World Premiere of The Toad the Whale and the Sun

A film by Dean Jefferys

Event Info

This extraordinary documentary is called “The Toad the Whale and the Sun” and has been 8 years in the making. It explores a vision that Dean had, that the Toads the Whales and the Sun are offering insights to assist humanity to achieve a quantum shift in consciousness in these critical times.

Dean says "I invite people to embark on a mystical journey with me as we explore the secrets of the universe through the use of the most powerful psychedelic known to man, 5 Meo-DMT from the Sonoran desert toad in Mexico also known as Bufo Alvarius. Discover the role this sacrament plays in humanity’s awakening. This 8 year expedition of the soul, includes inter dimensional ceremonies in the Sonoran desert and the ancient sun-worshipping temples of the Mayan civilization."

A Byron local, Dean has been an activists for over 40 years. The film shows some of these important historical protests like Old growth forest logging, nuclear warship protests, protests about war and Covid, etc. Dean’s previous documentary called “Shamans of the Amazon” which was one of the first documentaries made about Ayahuasca over 25 years ago, has become a Cult Classic.

Dean invites people to “Come on an epic sailing adventure on marine conservation yacht, Migaloo 2, through tropical waters with the humpback Whale migration and experiencing the power of the Toad ceremony with the Whales and the Sun. We will unlock the messages of the great ancestors of the ocean, and our galactic messenger, the Sun and gain insight into the role they play in catalyzing humanity’s evolution.”
“The Toad, the Whale, and the Sun” is a thought-provoking documentary that will take you on a quest to uncover realities about the world we live in that most never even dreamed was possible. You will also see how the use of fear is used to control the masses, and how it can limit our true potential as human beings. We are at crossroads. You will learn about a rising sovereignty movement that seeks to empower individuals to bring about positive change.”

With breathtaking cinematography and an expert team of mystics, “The Toad, the Whale, and the Sun” is an immersive experience that will challenge your beliefs and inspire you to take positive action.

The documentary is 1 hour 53 mins and there will be Panel Discussion and Q+A with Dean after each screening.

The film is yet to be classified, but is recommended for mature (15+) audiences. It contains drug references and usage, nudity, strong language, violence, and adult themes.

Event Details:

Screening 1

4:00 pm - Venue doors and bar open

4:40 pm - Theatre doors open

5:00 pm - Screening 1 starts

7:00 pm - Panel Discussion and Q&A

7:30 pm - Event 1 ends

Screening 2

7:45 pm - Theatre doors reopen

8:00 pm - Screening 2 starts

10:00 pm - Panel Discussion and Q&A

10:30 pm - Event 2 ends

Box Office

69 Jonson St, Byron Bay
Monday, Wednesday and Friday
10:30am – 1:30pm

(02) 6685 6807

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Event Info

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Box Office

69 Jonson St, Byron Bay
Monday, Wednesday and Friday
10:30am – 1:30pm

(02) 6685 6807

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We'd love to welcome you to host your next event, show or launch at Byron Theatre. Make an enquiry and our team will connect with you and guide you through the next steps.